Women in the
American Nuclear Society
Travel Funding
Apply for funding to attend an ANS national meeting. There is still time!
PWANS is committed to encouraging women to enter the field of nuclear science and technology. In fulfilling this commitment, PWANS awards supplemental funding (up to a maximum of $550, this has been raised since the last meeting) to an ANS female student member to cover travel, hotel, and meal expenses for attending an ANS national meeting (either the Annual Meeting in June or the Winter Meeting in November).
Students who have been awarded funding in the past have gone on to become involved in the society. Click here to see statements from recent recipients about how the award affected their interaction with ANS.
Applications must be submitted by:
May 15 for the June meeting
September 15 for the November meeting
Click on the link below to view the application for travel funds,
Please note: funding for students is provided by the NEED Committee and we are very thankful for all of their work.
Academic Scholarships
There are several American Nuclear Scholarships available to both male
and female students pursuing an educational career in the nuclear industry,
click here for further
To gain work experience while studying, students should consider internships.