Local Sections Committee of the American Nuclear Society
The Local Sections Committee is responsible for the proper conduct of the ANS Local Sections. The committee shall cooperate with individuals and groups interested in the formation of sections, assisting them in the preparation of a petition, and in other organizational and operating procedures.
This committee shall be composed of not fewer than six (6) nor more than twelve (12) Fellows, Members, Student, Emeritus, or Honorary Life Members, each appointed to a three (3) year term, with the terms of approximately one-third (1/3) of the members expiring at the close of each Annual Meeting. In addition, the chair of each Local Section, or a representative designated by the chair, shall be an ex officio member of this committee. At least one appointed member of the committee shall be on the Board of Directors. At least one (1) of the appointed members shall be a student member. At least one (1) of the appointed members shall be a non-U.S. resident. A quorum shall consist of appointed and/or ex officio members equal to a majority of the appointed members.
Local Section Standard Mission Statement
- Promote ANS products, programs and services, including Society membership
- Support ANS public policy activities at the state and local levels
- Provide information to the public on the benefits of nuclear science and technology
- Facilitate the sharing of information among nuclear professionals on the local level
- Create networking opportunities for nuclear professionals on the local level
Annual Report/Awards Workbook
For more information on the Annual Report (due June 30), click here.
For more information on Awards (due June 30), click here.
For a direct link to the workbook, click here.
About ANS
The American Nuclear Society is celebrating 60 years as the premier society for nuclear professionals. Our individual membership ranks include more than 11,000 engineers, scientists, educators, students, and others with nuclear related interests. Our members hail from more than 1,600 corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies from over 40 different countries. More than 80 industry-leading companies support the ANS as Organization Members.
ANS, a not-for-profit society, provides extensive opportunities for every professional group in the nuclear field to interact effectively via 22 divisions and technical groups, 44 local sections, 7 plant branches, and 58 student sections
The Society serves as an advocate for individuals and organizations having a stake in nuclear science and technology. Our Washington, D.C. office acts as a technical resource to senior policy and decision makers. ANS produces position papers on nuclear science and technology issues of our times, publishing these in print and on our website.

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I have found ANS local sections to be an ideal venue to develop profession