Outreach Materials Request

Outreach Materials Request

The Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information is an initiative of ANS working to increase understanding of and support for nuclear science and technology. ANS members play an important role in changing the conversation about nuclear.

To assist members with their outreach efforts, ANS offers in-kind public outreach materials to a limited number of ANS student and local sections that host outreach events aligned with ANS public information goals. Requests that meet the selection criteria are fulfilled on a first come, first served basis.

Download Outreach Materials Request Form

To learn more visit the ANS Member Center

Nuclear Science Week

Nuclear Science Week

Nuclear Science Week, is a week-long celebration focusing local, regional, national and international interest on all aspects of nuclear science. NSW takes place each year on the third week of October, and each day of NSW provides for learning about the contributions, innovations and opportunities that can be found by exploring nuclear science.

Nuclear Science Week is an ideal time to host outreach events in your local communities. To encourage participation, ANS offers financial assistance to sections planning events that coincide with NSW. Up to $1,500 will be distributed to help sections begin new Nuclear Science Week outreach activities. There is a $1,000 maximum grant request; there is no minimum request amount. These grants do not limit any section’s ability to apply for and receive in-kind donations of outreach materials for National Science Week or other events.

Download Application

To learn more visit the ANS Member Center

George A. Ferguson Motivational Grants (GAFMG)

George A. Ferguson Motivational Grants (GAFMG)

The ANS NEED Committee provides grants to local sections that serve culturally and economically disadvantaged kindergarten through high school students in the United States.  Grant funds may be used to purchase resources to teach science and math. Included are equipment, materials and tours to nuclear power plants and other nuclear-related facilities.

  • Recipients may receive one grant per year.  The limit for a single grant is $5,000.
  • The project receiving a grant must be completed within 12 months after an award is granted, and a program report must be submitted to the NEED Committee within two months after completion.
  • Deadlines May 1 – funding available by July 1  / October 1 – funding available by December 1

Download Application

For more information contact the NEED Committee

OPD Nuclear in My Back Yard

OPD Nuclear in My Back Yard

The ANS Operations and Power Division is excited to offer all ANS members the opportunity to apply for funds to support a new ANS product, program or other activity that will help the Society achieve the following:

  1. Develop the professional skills and knowledge of ANS members
  2. Advance nuclear science & technology through collaboration and outreach
  3. Meet the needs of ANS utility and supplier members
  4. Engage the public
  5. Engage policymakers

Members are encouraged to be creative, think outside the box, and to not restrict ideas to a dollar amount. All ideas will be considered.  

Application and further details can be found on OPD’s website.

Local and Student Section Strategic Fund Grant

The 2020 ANS Change Plan initiated the establishment of the ANS Local and Student Section Strategic Fund. The fund is supported through a portion of ANS membership dues from members who choose not to opt in to a Local or Student Section, and through voluntary donations on membership renewal forms.

The purpose of the fund is to support new or expanded activities that will, in the words of ANS bylaw 9.2, “further the mission and goals of the Society in its locality.” Grant applications will be accepted all year round, however there are only two evaluation cycles which coincide with the ANS Annual and Winter conferences.

Focus Areas
Activities the grant is intended to support include:

  • Collaborative projects with Local Sections, Student Sections, local NAYGN, WIN, and other allied organizations that bring together the larger nuclear community in a particular region for unity events and opportunities for recruiting new ANS and Local Section members.
  • K-12 and community outreach efforts that are focused on engaging students and bringing nuclear science education to the classroom, after school programs, and other similar activities.
  • Public awareness and communications initiatives that help inform local communities or regions about the positive benefits of nuclear science and technology.

Grant funds are not intended to support travel to ANS Conferences or program speakers’ travel and lodging expenses. Funds may not be used to purchase alcohol and sections are encouraged to share the cost of food & beverage.



  • Grant awards are up to $5,000 for any sanctioned ANS Local or Student Section.
  • Previous recipients may reapply if prior grant requirements have been met.
  • Grant applications must be submitted online by 5:00 pm CST on their specific deadline. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their funding request once selections have been made.

Grant Conditions:

  • By submitting an application, you are agreeing to:
  • Complete the proposed program within 12 months of receiving funds.
  • Provide a final report once your project is complete, including photos or video that can be used in ANS communications.
  • Notify ANS of any changes to the program that were not included in the original proposal.

How to apply: https://app.smarterselect.com/programs/95657-American-Nuclear-Society