Section Management
ANS local sections are affiliated with a progressive, professional association dedicated to promoting the advancement of engineering and science relating to the atomic nucleus. However, please understand that as a public, non-profit organization, ANS needs to keep our records in order. So we require sections to be compliant with the Society?s policies and procedures to maintain ANS’s integrity and mission. To that end, here is a one-stop online resource intended to help build, revive, and elevate local sections:

Chair's Manual
This ?roadmap? provides the requirements for local sections as defined by ANS national, explains where additional information can be obtained, provides reproducible forms to assist in interfacing with ANS national, and provides a storage medium for key documents developed by the local section to provide continuity for local section leaders. This manual is designed to be a concise reference for key materials, not a repository for general correspondence or other information.
Download Here – updated January 2019

Treasurer's Manual
Provides detailed information needed for Federal Tax reporting, including relevant IRS publications, forms, and instructions. This manual is referenced from summary-level material in the Local Section Chair?s Manual.
Download Here – updated July 2018

Membership Manual
Provides guidance on membership planning, recruiting, and retaining local section members as well as information and applications for recruiting members for ANS national.
Download Here – updated January 2019

Topical Meeting Manual
This online manual created by the ANS National Program Committee, provides detailed requirements and guidance related to planning, sponsoring, and running topical meetings.? Local Sections play a key part in supporting topical meetings.
Manual Appendices
Appendix A: ANS National Bylaws and Rules updated Jan/2018
Appendix B: Local Section Regions (by zip code)
Appendix C: Sample Bylaws & Rules for Sections
Appendix D: Responsibilities of Section Officers, Executive Committee and Committee Chairs
Appendix E How to Form a Local Section Plant Branch
Appendix H: Record Retention Guidelines